Thursday, November 22, 2012

Poudre Canyon Group (PCG)

Executive Committee Elections

The PCG is governed by an entirely volunteer leadership group, its Executive Committee or "ExCom." There are seven positions on the ExCom and each year some number of these spots come up for election; this year, four spots are up for a vote. We are seeking new voices to join the local Club leadership.

ExCom members meet regularly--usually once per month--to set the Group's priorities for the coming year, manage the Group's budget, work on conservation issues and engage new volunteers. The ExCom also votes on political endorsements in local government elections and develops official position statements on local environmental issues.

If you're a member of the Poudre Canyon Group and you're interested in becoming a member of the ExCom, you should prepare a brief candidate statement (no more than 150 words) and send it via email to Gina Janett at by December 17, 2012 at 5pm. A ballot will be mailed to all PCG members by the end of the year.

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